Professional of the Year - Retail/Medical Marijuana

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Renee Clay-Circle

Title: Owner, Dispenser
Industry: Retail/Medical Marijuana
Type of Organization: Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Major Product/Service: Providing medical marijuana
Expertise: Ms. Clay-Circle has over 15 years experience. In addition to serving in a variety of positions with numerous local companies, she oversees the operations and management of the dispensary and dispenses medical marijuana. Ms. Clay-Circle educates and consults with clients regarding the correct usage of their products. A consummate business woman, Ms. Clay Circle has served as the county coroner for Sharp County since 2017. She also serves as Aquatic and Homicidal Drowning Investigator, Chief Executive Officer with The Liquor Store, LLC since 2013, a Reserve Deputy Sherriff with the Sharp County Sheriff Office since 2014, Co-Owner of Concrete Polishing of Arkansas since 2011, President and CEO of Northeast Arkansas Cremation Society since 2010, President and CEO of Highland Monument Company since 2010, and is the Co-Owner of Clay-Circle Farms since 2008. She has been a school board member of Highland School District since 2007, President and CEO of Tri County Funeral Homes and Qualls Funeral Homes since 2006, President and CEO of Spring River Lodge Hotel since 2005, and President and CEO of Highland Twin Cinema, LLC since 2004.
Geographic Area of Distribution: Hardy, Arkansas
University/Degree: B.S., Business, Arkansas State University
Born: December 28
Hobbies/Sports: Hunting, fishing
Work History: A consummate business woman, Ms. Clay Circle has served as the county coroner for Sharp County since 2017. She also serves as Aquatic and Homicidal Drowning Investigator, Chief Executive Officer with The Liquor Store, LLC since 2013, a Reserve Deputy Sherriff with the Sharp County Sheriff Office since 2014, Co-Owner of Concrete Polishing of Arkansas since 2011, President and CEO of Northeast Arkansas Cremation Society since 2010, President and CEO of Highland Monument Company since 2010, and is the Co-Owner of Clay-Circle Farms since 2008. She has been a school board member of Highland School District since 2007, President and CEO of Tri County Funeral Homes and Qualls Funeral Homes since 2006, President and CEO of Spring River Lodge Hotel since 2005, and President and CEO of Highland Twin Cinema, LLC since 2004.